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Datiquettes Singles should follow while on the hunt for love on dating apps

The dating landscape is constantly undergoing changes. And adults, both young and old, are presented with an array of choices and opportunities to new ways of meeting people. According to reports, 69% of Gen Z, around the world, are expressing a keen desire to challenge conventional dating and relationship norms. There is an obvious transformation underway.
According to Tinder’s Year In Swipe report, the modern dating game has taken a turn as they found singles were less concerned about the outcome of a relationship and more interested in enjoying the process of getting to know someone. Dating is not just about finding people with similar interests and common likes, it is also a journey of self-discovery. But keep in mind that respect for space and boundaries is crucial at every stage of a relationship.
To make dating more fun and safe, Dr Chandni Tugnait, Life coach and Relationship Expert, shares ‘Datiquette’ – a playbook outlining 10 essential dating etiquettes for apps for 2024.
Put Yourself First: Your dating journey is all about discovering yourself and your desires. 80% of 18-25 year olds agree that their own self-care is their top priority when dating. Even more interesting, close to 75% of young singles say they find a match more attractive if they are open to working on their mental well-being.
Show the real you: Your profile is your canvas for connections — let it speak volumes! Showcase your authentic self through a captivating mix of photos, videos, fun quotes and even voice notes whenever you can.
Match With Intent: Clarifying your intentions in dating is crucial to ensure you and your match are on the same exciting journey. Whether you’re down to find new friends or looking for love, it is best to clearly states your intentions in the beginning.
Curiosity Over Assumptions: Forge real connections by being more open to other people’s ways of thinking and reactions. Don’t be quick to make assumptions. Show genuine curiosity to get to know your match. One way to do that is to have a few fun conversation-starters that will result in a response.
Ditch The Dinner Date: Add a dash of excitement to your dating experience by ditching the traditional dinner date and level it up with some fun activities. Some examples include coffee date, concerts and festivals, stand-up comedy shows, movie night and arcades were the top date activities in India.
Sober dates for the win: Date with intention and prioritise emotional connections over fleeting experiences. Sober dating is increasingly becoming more popular for singles as they believe it is a genuine way to get to know people on a date. Tinder’s Year in Swipe 2022 report highlights how more and more singles are raising a glass to sober dates, with 72% users saying that they don’t drink or only drink occasionally on their Tinder profiles.
Be Mindful with your wit: Humour can be fantastic (and sexy even), but steer clear of offensive and hurtful jokes.
Farewell to Ghosting: While looking for love, be honest and show respect while communicating with the other person. Instead of ghosting, recognise that closure is crucial for both parties. Avoid jumping to conclusions or being quick to disregard the other without having a heart-to-heart.
Be Positive: No one likes a Debbie or Drew Downer. So, try and maintain an upbeat and stress-free vibe while talking to matches. Remember, dating is about having fun.
Consent is Key: Everyone has their comfort zone. Respect them! According to a survey, close to 7 in 10 young adults believe that consent should be discussed more openly with partners. So, whether it’s planning a date or moving forward in the relationship, know others’ boundaries and encourage open conversations.
